Easter Offering Coaching

Learn how to achieve amazing results this Easter without creating unnecessary barriers for new attenders or disrupting your service. You will be equipped with a step-by step guide and done for you resources.

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This is a done-for-you Easter giving solution that will increase general giving and add margin to your budget! Learn exactly how to achieve amazing results this Easter without creating unnecessary barriers for new attenders or disrupting your service.

  1. It only takes a few weeks to ramp up
  2. It has low impact on your ministry team
  3. You don’t need to preach about money
  4. You’ll reach more first time givers than almost any other weekend
  5. Unchurched people will actually enjoy giving
  6. You’ll create financial breathing room before the summer giving slump

On-Demand Video Coaching ($500 Value)

  1. Video 1: The Easter Offering Overview
  2. Video 2: Step-By-Step Calendar and Five-Week Easter Offering Process
  3. Video 3: How To Plan Easter Sunday With A Big Offering
  4. Video 4: Follow Up Plan From Easter Offering

Media Kit ($300 Value)

  1. Offering envelope templates ready to print
  2. Bumper video (46-second MOV file)
  3. Logo in various file formats
  4. Screen graphics

Communication Kit ($200 Value)

  1. Three giving talks for weeks leading up to Easter
  2. Letter and email to introduce your Easter Offering to your church
  3. Follow up letter and email for non-participants

When you order the Easter Offering Coaching Program now, you’re investing in a resource that’s helped loads of churches create financial breakthrough. Follow the five essential secrets of how to do a big day offering the right way, and you’ll see amazing results.