Giving Rocket Coaching Program
If you want to know exactly what it takes to get your church in right financial standing and beyond, you will find what you need in Giving Rocket. There are 12 modules of coaching to help your church have more money for ministry.
Note: We’re joining with Church Relevance to bring you updated Rocket Courses.
What would a 38%-54% increase in regular, weekly giving look like in your church? Giving Rocket makes it possible! The money you need for ministry…delivered.
We have created 12 modules of online learning that teaches participants exactly how to increase regular giving for their church.

Access the coaching in each module that has delivered giving increase to over 2,000 churches
You’ll hear recordings from today’s top performing churches on how to structure your weekly giving talk, prepare for your seasonal offerings.
Download, share and deploy written coaching that will give you the systems you and your team need for sustained financial growth
Join our private Facebook community of leaders and members where you can ask questions, get answers, and learn more from your peers and colleagues.
12 MODULES – Here’s How The #1 Church Financial System Is Organized To Give You More
MODULE 1 : Your Financial Funding Plan | Develop a financial funding plan for the next 12 months and create three financial objectives for your church.
MODULE 2: Creating a Plan to Get Money | Create an annual funding plan with a step-by-step action item list and accomplish your financial goals for the year.
MODULE 3 : How to Get People to Give | Learn the five reasons people give and how to communicate to each type of giver, both on stage and in writing.
MODULE 4 : The #1 Way to Get More Money for Ministry | After surveying 1,000 churches, we found out the #1 way to get more people to give. We’ll tell you what we learned. This module will pay for your Giving Rocket coaching investment for years to come.
MODULE 5 : Giving Made Easy | Ensure your church is “giver friendly” with simple tools that will attract new types of donor.
MODULE 6: Create Happy Givers | Master best follow up practices to encourage repeat giving with communication templates you can copy and paste.
MODULE 7 : How to Attract High Impact Givers | Learn to recognize and encourage your high impact givers without manipulating them to give; it’s a fine line.
MODULE 8 : Three Sundays That Will Revolutionize Your Bank Account | Prepare for success on these three special offering Sundays with
proven communication packets and coaching.
MODULE 9 : Help Your Congregation Win Financially | Access a simple financial training system for the people in your church to help everyone understand spending, debt, saving and giving.
MODULE 10 : How to Preach on Money (And Do It Well) | Start preaching money effectively and confidently with this smart, simple, easy-to-learn sermon series and associated messages.
MODULE 11 : Building the Best Board or Finance Team in Town | Learn the tricks to picking the right finance team members and how to fire the wrong. Recruit and retain your best teams, without looking for bankers or accountants.
MODULE 12 : Church Budgeting Made Simple | The foolproof way to create margin in your next budget, we’ll teach you how to eliminate complication while creating budgets in a way that your staff will love.