What Happens When You Connect

What Happens When You Connect is a book that helps people in your congregation understand that community is about more than just joining a group, class, or a Bible study. It’s about being surrounded by people who have the Spirit of God working in them.


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Let’s start with a question…

What can authentic relationships do for the people in your congregation? I mean, what makes those relationships different from their friends at work or other families in their neighborhood?

God wired us for community. Connecting in a spiritual community is about more than friendship, although that’s certainly a part. It’s about commitment to helping each other grow spiritually, even when it’s inconvenient and frustrating.

One of the greatest catalysts that results in us growing in godliness and maintaining the course is whether or not we have authentic relationships with other people in our lives. We need other people to push us, pull us, grow with us, and experience God’s love with us.

  • When we have authentic relationships with people who encourage and challenge us, we grow.
  • When we have authentic relationships with people who expose us to the love, grace, and forgiveness of the Holy Spirit working in them, we grow.

What Happens When You Connect is a book that helps people in your congregation understand that community is about more than just joining a group, class, or a Bible study. It’s about being surrounded by people who have the Spirit of God working in them.

Bottom line: it’s a book that helps the people in your church grow spiritually!

Three Ways You Can Use What Happens When You Connect…

  1. Mail them to everyone who gets connected at your church (small group, community group, membership, Sunday school class, Bible study, recovery group, etc.) Whenever someone takes that courageous step, write (or ask someone else to write) them a handwritten thank-you note and send it with a booklet in the mail. It’s a powerful act of gratitude that will go a long way!
  2. Send them to people who are currently connected. Compile a document or spreadsheet of people who are presently active in some type of community group. Send a thank-you note and one of these booklets to each of them. You can get a group of volunteers and a staff member to help knock this out!
  3. Give one to everybody after a sermon on community. The next time you preach on the power of authentic relationships, put one of these in the hands of each family as they leave the service.

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