15 Leaders Who Will Make You A Better Pastor

It was a privilege for The Rocket Company to attend last week’s Catalyst Conference and

provide you live blogs from the event.  We had the opportunity to learn from 15 of the

greatest Christian leaders in the world.  Their thoughts that stretched our team and made

us better leaders.  Below is a sticky statement from each of their presentations.  Click the

name of the presenter and you can see all of the comments from their sessions.

Henry Cloud 

  • The #1 factor in whether you can accomplish a goal or not is the belief that you can.

Jeff Henderson 

  •  I hire talented, creative, passionate learners who have a history of turning intention into reality. I love everybody but I don’t have to hire everybody.

Lysa TerKeurst 

  • As a leader there are times everyone is looking at you and you don’t have the answers

Bryan Loritts

  • I was growing with a holy frustration because the crowds I was speaking to were all white or all black and that’s not the gospel.

Opening Session – Andy Stanley 

  • What’s applauded is exceptional the first time will be expected the next time.  Exceptional becomes Expectional.

Malcolm Gladwell

  • David’s ability to win that battle begins with weakness.  He can’t win the normal way.  He must be creative.

Jason Russell – Creator of Invisible Children

  • The only that is stopping us is money.

John Piper

  • Images are designed to image…Why did God erect 7 billion images of Himself on the planet?  The simple answer is to draw attention to Himself.

Reggie Joiner

  • I’m not God.  I’m not the Holy Spirit.  I can’t change anyone but I can invest in a few.

Priscilla Shirer

  •  There has never been a time in church history in which 15,000 young leaders could be called together to study God’s Word.

Democratic Senator May Landrieu of Louisiana

  • Children need families.  Government does some things well.  Raising children is not one of them.  Parents raise children.

Dave Ramsey

  • I met God on the way up but I got to know Him on the way down.

Uncle Si from Duck Dynasty

  • I don’t know what people do when they don’t believe in God.  If they are diagnosed with cancer, who do they turn to except the Creator.

Mayor Cory Booker Of Newark, NJ

  • Purpose is more important than a position.

Jud Wilhite

  • God didn’t call you to fruit.  He called you to faithfulness.

Andy Stanley – Closing Session

  • A sign of good leadership is you are making fewer and fewer decisions.

Free Resource

These are simply one of the Christianity’s greatest

communicators in the world.  If you want to learn some their

secrets, then download this FREE resource

Five Things That Kill A Sermon.  This free tool will make you

a better preacher of God’s Word.