How Lee Boyd and Destination Community Church became DEBT FREE

Screen Shot 2013-07-24 at 7.19.13 AMLee Boyd is the lead pastor of Destination Community Church in Allen, Kentucky. A local, pediatric dentist, Lee and a small group of others launched DCC in 2009 and are reaching around 200 people each weekend.

Lee recently shared with us that they are debt free as a church now. This is a huge accomplishment and we wanted to celebrate it with Lee. Here is a little about their journey to becoming debt free.

How did you get you engage your people in the process of becoming debt free?

We did a monthly pledge at the beginning of 2012 and our Christmas offering in December was the big final push. Our typical weekly offering is about $3000.  The Christmas offering was $24,000.  Still blows me away.

How much debt did you pay off?

We paid off $120,000 in debt. This couldn’t have been possible without giving rocket.

What Giving Rocket tools were the most helpful?

The weekly Giving Talks and how to execute the Christmas offering. Giving Rocket helped us make a giving plan.


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