Two Easy Ways to Stop Worrying this Year

It’s that time of year again.

We’re going to lose weight, exercise more, get out of debt, stick to a budget, stop bad habits, save for the future, and spend more time with family.

We make resolutions because we want to change our circumstances. We want to improve ourselves and life. The top resolutions, for most people, tend to revolve around the same three ideas: money, health and family.

But, what do your New Year resolutions look like for your church and your role as a pastor?

Most of the pastors I know are worried about two things A LOT:

  1. How can I preach better this weekend?
  2. How can I increase giving?

The problem isn’t knowing what we need to do. I mean, don’t we all know we need to eat a little less, exercise a bit more, and get out of debt?

We just don’t know HOW to do it. And, there’s a huge gap between knowing WHAT you need to do and HOW to actually do it each and every day.

We’re changing all that … by connecting the WHAT and HOW just for church leaders like you.

Here’s how it works: We have two 12-month coaching programs that show you exactly (1) how to raise more money for ministry and (2) how to plan and craft the best sermons for your church.

And, the best part … you can get one entire 12-month program for $1188 $799 over the next 3 days only with the promo code NEWYEAR (yes, it’s case-sensitive, so use all caps).

The first thing you should do this year to avoid having the same year financially you had last year is get the Giving Rocket Core Coaching Program.

Giving Rocket Core<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Coaching Program

Lots of churches go to great lengths to have an accurate budget or spending plan.  But very few churches take the time to create a funding plan.  The result is week-to-week worrying about the budget, summer spending freezes and a lack of financial confidence.

But when you learn how to talk about money in a healthy and Biblical way, communicate effectively with donors, and make it easy for people to give, you’ll position your church to have a fully funded ministry.

The Giving Rocket Core Coaching Program will equip you with tools, resources and ideas to help you fully fund the mission and vision of your church.

You’ll get 12-months of COACHING AND RESOURCES on:

  • Creating a financial strategy for your church
  • Creating a plan to get money
  • How to get people to give
  • The #1 way to get more money for ministry (and I can prove it)
  • Giving made Easy
  • How to Create Happy Givers
  • How to attract High Impact Givers
  • Three Sundays That Will Revolutionize Your Bank Account
  • Help Your Congregation Win Financially
  • How to Preach on Money (and do it well)
  • Building the Best Financial Team in Town
  • Church Budgeting Made Simple

Every topic includes a coaching video, listening guide, eBook and a bunch of done-for-you documents, communication pieces, graphic packages and samples.

Why should you join? Well, let’s put it this way… Over 850 churches wouldn’t be doing this monthly if it didn’t work. 

We’ve heard all the reasons why church leaders are stuck trying to move from broke to funded.

You just don’t know my people.” While your church has a unique mission and culture, people are generally the same. People ARE different, but we all share the same hopes, dreams and fears. Giving Rocket helps everyone increase their generosity level.

We’re not in a wealthy area.” Pastors in urban churches say that people in the city don’t have any money. Pastors in rural areas talk about how hard it is to get people to give. Suburban pastors complain about how overextended their people are. Churches in every area have used Giving Rocket to raise more money for ministry.

Our church is different.” While your church may have a focused mission, God has called you to love Him and reach people. Stop using your unique calling as an excuse for low funding. Giving Rocket has helped churches with every kind of focus automate their giving.

Don’t take our word for it.

Here’s a story from one of our international members, Proclaimers Church who has been going since the early 90s and has been lead by Pastor’s Tom & Denise Rawls since 2003. They currently average over 500 each Sunday and have a campus in Norwich and in Ipswich, UK.

“When we did the first quarterly report for 2011 we had come in more than £5000 under budget on tithes and offerings. I first started to read some articles by Casey Graham and others around this time to see what we could do to try and turn this around. Despite seeing a slight upturn, we were over £8000 behind budget at the end of June. It was at the start of October that we decided to give the trial of Giving Rocket a go – nothing to lose!

It turned out that we were doing most of the right things but weren’t doing them strategically or intentionally enough.  Giving Rocket helped us take what we already had and use it in the most effective and efficient way.

We had 2 online giving systems, both of which were a bit confusing so we simplified this down to one with the option of automating giving on there. We were a lot more intentional about how we spoke about money during our church service. We revamped our first time giving system and redesigned our quarterly giving statements. It was around this time we started running budgeting courses too to help people with their personal finances.

Tithes and offerings have consistently increased since we were members. We ended last year above budget on tithes and offerings.”

We hear feedback like this on the Giving Rocket Coaching Program all the time. If it’s working for other churches, it will work for yours. Go sign up for the entire 12-month program for $1188 $799 over the next 3 days only with the promo code NEWYEAR.

The second thing you should do this year is stop struggling with sermon prep by joining the Preaching Rocket Coaching Program.

Preaching Rocket<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Core Coaching Program

It’s a 12-month program that brings you content AND COACHING. 

You will get 52 great preaching stories from the worlds of science, technology, history, sports, literature and more.  Not only will this content help make your messages better, the program will deliver twelve topics full of focused coaching to help you get better as a preacher.  While you work on your sermon, we’ll work on YOU.

You’ll also get 12-months OF COACHING, on important topics like:

  • How to structure a great sermon.  We’ll show you how to build a talk from the ground up.
  • Creating a memorable bottom line.  If you want people to remember lines from your messages, this formula will help.
  • Seeking feedback and dealing with critics.  This can be one of the most helpful or harmful experiences of a preacher.
  • How to create a preaching calendar that really works.  Not only will we show you exactly HOW to do this, we will give you some tools to make it easier.
  • Preaching to the Unchurched.  If you want to reach people with the Gospel, these principles can really help you.
  • How to build an introduction that draws people in to the message.  The first five minutes are the most important in your message.  Are you leveraging them properly?
  • Preaching for a response and calling people to action.  This will help you call people to put their faith in Jesus, jump into a small group, sign up for volunteering, or give!
  • Becoming a master storyteller.  People remember stories, not facts.  Learn how to tell them and where to find them.
  • Creating a preaching team so others can share the load.  Building up others isn’t just healthy preaching, it’s discipleship!
  • How to study the Bible for preaching.  We will show you methods and systems for starting with the Scripture, so you’re not sharing your opinions but teaching God’s Truth.
  • How to be spiritually and emotionally healthy.  It doesn’t matter if you’re a great speaker but your soul is empty.

Each of these topics comes with an eBook, an audio training course, a coaching video and a listening guide.  There are documents, spreadsheets and interviews sprinkled throughout the program.  Together, it’s a powerful and practical tool to improve your weekly messages.

Hundreds of people are going through the program and I want to invite you to join them. Here’s what two preachers had to say about the program.

I’ve got sermons for the next 6 weeks already prepared and in the crock pot!  I’m eager to see how God uses them to change ME over the coming weeks, let alone my congregation and the surrounding community! Thank you for your investment in me.
 – Cliff Purcell,Lewiston First Church of the Nazarene

I believe preaching rocket has been one of the greatest resources to come out for pastors.
– Justin Trapp

Go sign up for the entire 12-month Preaching Rocket Coaching Program for $1188 $799 over the next 3 days only with the promo code NEWYEAR.

Still have questions? Try it out for 30 days. If you decide you want to cancel during the first 30 days, all you have to do is email us.

Spend part of your church budget on something that will actually help you reach and exceed your budget monthly or get you out of the weekly sermon rut.

This time next year, you’ll be thankful you signed up today.

Get fired up,
Casey Graham

One final note ... Start the year off by making an investment that will return many fold. Over 850 are already Giving Rocket Core Coaching members and raising more money for ministry this year.  If you sign up as a new or renewing member today, you’ll get the entire 12-month program for $1188 $799 over the next 3 days only with the promo code NEWYEAR. Click here to get started with Giving Rocket today.

Make your sermons better this year by learning how other pastors craft their messages every week. We’ll show you exactly how to do it. If you sign up as a new or renewing member today, you’ll get the entire 12-month program for $1188 $799 over the next 3 days only with the promo code NEWYEAR. Click here to get started with Preaching Rocket today.