What I Learned from Interviewing Some of the World’s Top Communicators

This past week I flew to Washington, D.C. to interview Mark Batterson and Donald Miller.  It marked the last two interviews in preparation for the Preach Better Sermons online conference. This has been an incredible experience interviewing some of the world’s top communicators. You’ll get to hear specific details during the conference but in the meantime here is a quick list of lessons I learned. 
1.  While it might look easy for them, it’s not.  Communicating, preaching and preparing is a lot of hard work.  Keep working. 
2.  They have found their preparation rhythm. You don’t have to prepare like someone else. You do have to find your preparation rhythm.  
3.  They still get nervous. If they don’t, it’s an indication they might be taking the opportunity for granted. 
4.  They battle both insecurity and ego, just like the rest of us. 
5.  They try to think more about helping the audience than what the audience might think of them. 
6.  Some of them write their talks out word by word. Some have outlines. Some use notepads. Others use iPads.  Find what works for you. 
7.  Learn from others but be yourself. 
8.  Be more concerned with helping the audience than impressing the audience. 
I could keep going but you’ll get to hear much more on Thursday, May 16. Carve out the time. Block out the distractions. This is a unique, FREE opportunity to learn from some of the best communicators around. Sign up here to hear from Andy Stanley, Donald Miller, Mark Batterson, Dave Ramsey and Mark Driscoll for FREE.