Top Five Questions Answered
Here are five of the most common Giving questions asked on this website, along with the simplest answers I can give.
Does Giving Rocket really work? Yes, but it’s a system not a silver bullet. Churches who stick with it and apply what we teach regularly see an increase in giving. Like going to the gym, a few weeks isn’t going to accomplish much you’ve got to stick to it.
Is it really worth it to push people to online giving? Yes, without a doubt. Studies continually show that online donations are more than in person donations. If you teach your people to automate their giving, then your giving will be more consistent.
What’s the first thing I should do? Start doing a Giving Talk. We send scripts to members every week, and if you do this one thing, you’ll more than pay for the cost of membership. Stop rushing through the offering, and take a couple of minutes to explain what’s happening. If you have no idea what a Giving Talk is, get this free report.
Are unchurched people going to leave if I start talking about money? No. Unchurched people don’t know Jesus, but they are not stupid. They know it takes money to run a church. Be honest, and be clear, but don’t be afraid. We’ll help you do this in the right way.
Can I get a discount? We’ve had many discussions about this, but the bottom line is that a Giving Rocket membership is worth it. I know “too expensive” is relative, but if you make the investment and use the coaching, you will see the benefits.
However, you can get a 10% discount with an annual membership. Apply the stuff, and if you’re not satisfied after 1 year, you’ll get a no questions asked refund.