Are You Following Up With Givers in Your Church

A missing element, in cultivating a healthy and God honoring level of stewardship and generosity in your church, could be the process of following up with givers. In reality, helping people create and maintain a healthy culture of stewardship is all about communication.

If you stop and think about it, this is true about almost every area of life.   You’ll have a better relationship with your wife and kids if you take the time to communicate.  Communication creates health.

You’ll have a better working relationship with your boss or with your employees if there is clear and open communication.  Communication creates clarity.

The same is true about donors in your church. If you want to encourage generosity and stewardship with the people in your church, adopt same approach.   Here are four things you need to do:

  • Identify the types of givers in your church.
  • Find out the best ways to communicate.
  • Determine what you need to say.
  • Be clear.

You need a plan for following up with all types of givers in your church.  And this is what we’re delivering to every Giving Rocket member this month.  If you’ll put the principles we will teach you this month into play, you’ll take a huge step towards creating a culture of generosity in your church.  If you want to learn this stuff, try it free for seven days here.