His Kingdom or Their Kingdom?

So many churches struggle with the issue of balancing their view of credit card debt with their desire for digital giving. I read a quote recently: “In all transparency, I would rather people go into debt furthering His Kingdom rather than furthering their own kingdom!” What do you think? Would you rather people go into…

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Oh No! It’s a Sermon on Money

The other day I read a blog post from a pastor that began by stating, “No pastor likes to talk about money, and nobody in the church wants to hear a sermon on money.”  A few days before, I noticed a tweet from a pastor who claimed that he “survived” preaching on money that morning.…

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The Missing Ingredient in Most Church Financial Language

If you use numbers to talk about the numbers, you’re leaving behind a ton of people. Most people in your church could care less about spreadsheets and charts and never open Excel. Yes, information is important. But mind-numbing facts and stats are only going to communicate to the accountants and engineers. If you want to…

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The Five Types of Givers in Every Church

On any given Sunday, there are people in the congregation who WILL support your church financially and those who WILL NOT.  But it’s not quite so black and white.  Every church actually has FIVE types of givers. Many people don’t give at all.  Some studies show this is actually MOST of the people in your…

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Easter Offering – The Easiest Offering of the Year

Did you know that taking up an Easter offering is one of the easiest offerings you can take up all year? Take up an Easter Offering as a special offering and you will increase your giving big time on that weekend. People have unfounded fears about talking about money on Easter. Most churches I know…

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