7 Reasons For Giving Talks: What To Think About When You Write Them

52 times a year, you have the opportunity to link your congregation to God’s heart for generosity and your church’s mission in the community. But effectively connecting the dots requires planning. You must think about the offering time in advance.  Too many churches tack this on with little consideration. The worship leader mumbles a few…

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Loving Through Giving

“You can always give without loving, but you can never love without giving” – Amy Carmichael Carmichael hits a valid point, but we know that church giving is complicated, multi-faceted, and requires a balanced approach. Your church needs a budget to keep the doors open, but money is a difficult topic to talk about, both from…

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Rocket Donations: A Customer Review

This review of Rocket Donations, our new online tithing platform, comes directly from Keyla Wright, who’s on staff at InSoul Church in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Here she is with her team… This is her review of the product… Here’s a little insight.  We have been with Rocket nearly 4 years or so. When we initially…

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Straight Talk: Why Online Tithing & Giving Is Such A Big Deal

Digital is the preferred method for people in today’s society. Almost no one will dispute that. But yet, so often a church’s digital giving strategy doesn’t reflect it. The net result for churches is they end up missing out on donations they need! Digital Giving is about maximizing donations so you can maximize ministry. That,…

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Doing The “Dance” With Online Tithing & Your Financial Team

Online tithing. As a leader, you see that it has the potential to increase giving, create donation predictability, and provide budget stability. But you must get buy-in and approval from your financial board, stewardship committee, or key leadership team. And that, my friends, is no walk in the park. It’s more like a trek through…

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How Many Church Tithes Will You Miss In 2016?

THE PREFERRED METHOD OF PAYMENT TODAY We interact with hundreds of churches per month about digital giving… churches with no strategy at all churches with a “starter” strategy such as Paypal churches that have 20% or more of their congregation involved in digital giving In all of these conversations, one thing is clear… No one…

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4 Easy Ways To Increase Donations In Your Church

You ever feel a knot in your stomach when you invite your church to give during the offering time? Heeeeeere we go again… That feeling is fear mixed with a splash of insecurity. Every pastor can relate. There are A LOT of people who don’t like how much pastors ask for money. Some of that…

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More Money In The Church Bank

THE HARDEST part of what we do when it comes to helping your church get more money in the bank… is helping YOU understand how investing money results in more money in the bank.  Most churches think the way to increase money in the bank is by merely holding on to what they have, slashing…

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